What is Holistic Medicine?

What is holistic medicine or the “holistic approach “. ?

Holism is actually. “Holy —ism “ it means anything that is positive that brings us to our sacred Self —-our inner peace; love; well being

So it really can be anything that brings us to our inner unconditional balanced state

We have all forgotten what this inner state is. Much less sustaining its knowing and feeling 24/7. That is what is called enlightenment: sustained 24/7 experience of Self without interruption, unbroken regardless of what is going on inside us …..the real meaning of us as Spiritual beings living a physical life rather than the other way around.

The obstacles to this 24/7 experience arising from mind and body is thus the central focus of holistic or enlightened medicine.

And so, from time immemorial physicians were enlightened guides using anything and everything to bring about this Self-remembrance.In my view, we have lost these timeless methods or we have placed them on the back burner due to pressures of modern life and the illusion of the dark narrative which brainwashes everything we do.

This subject is vast so in this short writing, I briefly list the areas that will facilitate the experience of Self and greater balance of our health along with our spiritual and worldly life.

a woman doing yoga in a field

Enlightened medicine actively offers, coaches and follows up with these timeless areas of human experience and potential

Natural Herbology and nutritives for detox and healthy eating /assimilation

Manual and physical therapies That offers many modalities of breath; physical interventions. Self practice and receiving physical treatments

Devotional practices: any positive practice and passions that evolve creativity and the opening, cleansing and awakening of heart

Wisdom and contemplation via any method of therapy at all levels along with our own reflections on life and living

Any positive path of meditation: a vast subject that we have only scratched the surface of what ancients knew imbibed and practiced ….integrating its benefits within themselves and for their cultures

Any service filled efforts small and large for others —- these activities take us out of small Self and expands our happiness by realizing we are interconnected not disconnected

Areas of hobbies leisure talents —humor lightness of being fun files activities often neglected in adulthood due to worldly burden but touched upon in innocent childhood

Social activity and sharing: it’s an actual practice: overcoming our obstacles to expended coping and social skills

Financial and related abundance issues: Universal challenge on planet earth and yet not part of the medical focus

Study and understanding the cosmos: we are deluded by the narrative focusing on externals rather than connecting to Nature and its secrets

Planetary stewardship. Medicine must take the lead. As health care workers are those who understand workings of body; the understanding needs to expand to caring for the body of Mother Earth

And so these areas encompass a vast field that needs to spread seed to recultivate the health care industry ….really the allowance of suppressed hidden and forgotten indigenous principles of man‘s inner being and his relation to Nature and the Universe itself