The Sri Aurora Path is an evolving process that incorporates the area of direct healing, natural consciousness expansion, and awakening, as well as ancient principles of Yoga, health, and Spirituality. It is blended and molded into a creative presentation, treatise, and dialogue for inspiration.

As it evolves and unfolds it will offer many angles and facets that will facilitate one’s well-being through the creative gifts innate inside us all. 

My hope is that its Light will shine soon in the form of various prose, poetry, guidance, and lore that will be easily understandable for all and also very inspiring to our hearts and minds to rediscover and remember the divine Spirit within us all.  It will consist of all of the many things that I have learned over much time in this field along with my own intuitive and energetic gifts that I have to offer to those who are aspiring to ever-evolving expansion and enlightenment. 

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