When Twin Flames wait, wait , obsess, doubt, blame — and /or just go down dark or dead end paths…..
—A topic I have not written on much lately. But yes, many Twin Flames destined for very high and noble work in the Light do just the above …heart wrenching for the ones in the Light but yet it happens in this crazed world —-influenced by centuries of dark cabal /Illuminati elites. …2022 and beyond marks the real end of these elites and it’s already being taken down on a global scale covered up by fake news /media and a false current Presidency …..it’s all changing soon folks —a few months into just a few years …led by Trump, military alliance in the Light and many other globals. What is in the surface is not what really is and it all unfold
Ok —so back to Twin Flames …many contracted to be here at this time of great change —next 40-50 years etc to really share their gifts talents and abilities after healing themselves and each other …people now at age 21–70 or so…those younger have a different purpose line. (that’s a different discussion )
As I have written so much before —the Twin Flame relationship is often a play of light and dark …I have written thousands of pages on these issues 2008-May thru 2015 summer ….on and off ….because I experienced these issues first hand …..
You see —-the Twins both come in with narcissism and co dependency for infinite reasons.
Same root but diff play out : The one more in the Light is the empath rescuer and fixer service to others ….and the opposite dark twin is rooted in selfishness self centeredness service to Self….
You put these two together and it creates fire and explosion …
Do not be fooled —-both the empath and the Narcissist have control and Selfish issues. …that’s what they both have the opportunity to work out together and then they are able to create a path in the Light to help others …..the darker narcissist serves Self and is exploitative and the one in the light, the empath —-serves others but ….is selfish at first because they are trying to at first control the Dark Twin……
Whatever the case the darker Twin often does not wake up as fast and even stays on a very dark road : matching the global Cabal and dark elites’ agenda —-Of deception ; torture ; abuse ; dark sex with any age; money schemes/dark crime ; addictions ; heinous crimes against humanity ….and anything else in those categories…..
They have stayed dark or are trapped in…
2008 was a great window of me trying to get them to wake up in preparation for this 2022 and beyond but it fell on deaf ears ; and yes dark masters closed them off too like a black vortex ….at that time and even before …in the 1990’s too….from the Light.
And so time …goes on and went on…
In my case : 14 years have gone by…I have let go in many ways.
But yet —-there is a deep incompletion between us that they fully know too —-whether they fight it within themselves or not ….still debate or doubt it ….From here all that can be said is that time is our greatest friend and yet our greatest enemy….
The effects of the extreme dark have taken their effect on them in every way negative —physical to spiritual and they know this. You see it’s about the inner heart the divine values of what really makes up life …not the superficial illusion of only body consciousness external beauty and so on ….expectations of what everyone else wants from us at the expense of our own Soul …in many ways yes…stars snd others have literally sold their Soul to the devil for the sake of false dollars blood money and fleeting name and fame.
The negative karma they created can only be resolved by them and their own higher power and higher guides in the Light If they ever decide to leave dark masters and all in the dark…..
I have just evolved in my own way with many things over these 14 years plus.
New life and living evolving and more coming : personal to professional and yes Spiritual has been evolving with it without them …..their original Soul contract to be with me in this mission of health healing spirituality Medicine will come to pass.
They are the only ones who can wake up to realize who they are and what they have done in their own life based in their own choices —- as it is for us all…
Sadly in those days I was seen as the crazed one the one to be angry at or made fun of or feared when I am just a nice guy where much negativity was hurled at me ….funny I was feared or whatever but what and who they decided to be with is far far 180 degrees to who and what I am….
Yet that has been the karmic play out so far …..they will have to wake up to see that it was all in reverse : Those they chose to be with intimately and so on were the greatest negative illusionists and deception; and ironically their Twin (me) was always their highest well-wisher in true love and support ,,,,, never anger never hateful just silently holding loving space….
Love between Twin Flames never dies ; it is eternal because they are both mirrors of the same Over Soul like monozygotic twins ….they reflect each other eternally,,,,
Interesting to know one day if this twin soul of mine has woken up to their own heart: the flutters, the thoughts that do not go away ; the unanswered questions ; the not knowing ; the thinking late at night ; the longing
….great question is have they awakened enough to realize that all those signs are true love in its highest form and purity ? And that who and what they thought they love or loved only served a limited purpose line ? Only their own heart can tell them….
The one in light already knows and always has known this love for them and with them ——always ….Their heart has been in the light ….not covered or darkened …so it’s no mystery or question..
These my friends are great truths —-only when one goes thru this kind of love can it be understood.
The play out of twin flames in any given lifetime ….is indeed the greatest Universal mystery
Sad when one has not woken up to it or not yet …However it continues in latter life or in future lives …until both merge into love and light together and then fulfill their mission to do a great service to Earth humanity or a similar race on other planets they elect to take birth upon …..