The Divine Loves a Pure Heart

That is filled with softness like the wings of the butterfly; compassion like the smile of the orangutan;

faith and trust like that of a newborn babe

The Divine loves a pure heart

day after day braving the elements, rooted for decades and decades —-without even thinking of itself

The Divine loves a pure heart

That is filled with a feeling of kindness and service like the mighty trees that teach us to give shade and fruit

That is filled with humor and laughter like the laughing hyena and the mischievous chimpanzee

The Divine loves a pure heart

That communes with Nature and understands that each creature large and small teaches us in many ways

The Divine loves a pure heart

That is free of blemishes, specks and flecks of sorrow, misery, worry, lust, greed jealousy anger envy and hatred

For in the state of crystal purity one can reflect the Light of Divine freely and fully into many rainbow colors to heal and help others

Much like the Sun radiating in all directions beams into a crystal pure prism that refracts into many hues

The Divine loves a pure heart

That is open to receive, willing to change and that admits it is at fault and promptly admits that it is

The Divine loves a pure heart

That awakens and unfolds and merges into the infinite Love of Source

In that state that has eluded us for eons and eons is the final culmination of human potential and creates the end of the cycle of birth and death

The Divine loves a pure heart

That has the capacity to know that the great light and love is just behind one /s breath, heartbeat and function

and that in fact the Source is the life force itself

The Divine Light loves a pure heart

that forever strives to discover these great secrets : tirelessly, fearlessly with ease and grace

The Divine loves indeed a pure heart when

We realize that we are that Divine love itself.

The Moving Lava of the Heart