Remembering our Soul Mates

Remembering our Soul Mates, Twin Flames, and other loved personalities on their birthdays when they are at a distance, in the Dark or on the other side.—–

When we are at physical distance from our beloveds, know that it is only a physical distance. Time and space are illusions and Soul to Soul there is always a connection. The unfortunate thing is that most humans are not awakened to their psychic and Spiritual abilities and powers or are only partially aware so it is sad and frustrating when those loved ones are not necessarily in our midst.

However behind the veil of physical all is known sooner or later. Our Twin Flames and Soul Mates of the past are always with us no matter what path they have chosen and of course what road we have chosen for ourselves as well.

Bleeding Twin Flame Hearts Who Are Separated by Time and Space

There have many many untold numbers of High Soul Mates/etc over time I have read and learned and in my own experience where there was a divine destiny to be together, love and work together and all but alas their choices take them in vastly different directions. I have written extensively before (and in my own experience on this) on those we see and recognize as close to us –even as Soul Mates or so-called Twin Souls but somehow they cannot or will not wake up to the same feelings for us and about us. So when they have birthdays —our Soul stirs because it is in remembrance of their birth and ours that create again heartstrings that are of course pulled —yet as time goes on and on we know that our work and love together is delayed or reduced to a fraction of what it should have been much later in life or once again shelved for future lives. This can bring pain and a whole host of infinite feelings for us when recalling their birthdays.

It is still a matter of continuing the process of letting go and perhaps remembering some positive points with and of them. Sometimes it is remembering what the noble purpose was between the two and of course the indescribable love between the two –that got undermined by endless factors. That noble purpose remembrance and recognition is what will carry on into the next life of series of lives. It all gets reviewed in life reviews with guides on the other side when one or both finally depart from the burden of this earthly existence. In those life reviews much has to be sorted out, karma has to be paid for those who chose dark ways (no judgment but there is retribution), and so on. While they pay for their dark actions, we have to go onto other projects in the Light and so that is how thousands and millions of years go by once again in separation where one does not have the golden opportunity to be on planet together in actual physical bodies.

That is why I wrote so so much about this all so that those reading and listening could take inventory and make choices outside the dark. However when we write or speak like this, we are not believed valued, and so on and so the cycle keeps on going ….life after life

This dance with High Soul Mates and Twin Flames goes on because the blueprint between them can be severely damaged and impaired and thus it again takes eons to repair and recover. Golden chances are given when they meet–but unless both are willing, the dance goes on and on as the play of light and dark until both Light signatures match in any one lifetime. It is only then that their noble work to serve the world can happen.’

Pain can arise simply from the intense separation but also a lamentation that their choices held us back and markedly delayed our journey) —-unknown to them —and that their work in service to humanity is greatly damaged, shelved or delayed. This heart break is indescribable —but yet we have to go 4 ward, upward and onward. Their choices are theirs and lead to misery in the dark —–our choices attempt to salvage a new life but there is always a portion of suffering because the Soul agreement to be together is broken —-so even if we are in a new life one never wholly recovers but compartmentalizes their heart so that they can go onto others and function in a modified role and new relationship.

So on these birthday remembrances, we can send good wishes from a distance, recall the noble purpose between the two and only hope it gets repaired in this lifetime (to some degree if not dangerous or harmful) and or send positive energy so that future lives can finally allow the positive play our of the two.