Six Wise Monkeys

On this New Year week let us reflect on the six wise monkeys. :

See,hear, speak, think, feel and touch no Evil …cute monkeys but very profound. Dark is still part of Light only absence of Light and Divine Source is beyond both.

Some decide to choose Dark because their Souls choose those lessons for their own growth and expansion …No judgements but their is justice in this plane of Karma. It is part of divine law …knowingly or unknowingly just as the law of gravity …these laws are powerful ; invisible to human perception but exist ….Dark choices and thus actions do receive karmic retribution either in this life ; future lives and or in between lives. Even Jesus referred time Karma—-all edited out …likewise our positive choices have positive effects as this is a dynamic plane always in flux and transition. The only constant in this physical Universe is change

Today’s enemy is tomorrow’s Saint ——

Today’s destroyer and abuser of the innocent …..those who feed off of others sufferings and addiction for the sake of false money power and prestige …becomes a great future humanitarian ….

We have infinite choices and potential each moment in our choice dictates how our clay for the day is shaped and molded ….this is truly how much power we have ….and the fact is the Dark does not want us to wake up and recall this true Soul power ….

So in this glorious New Year let us all contemplate what path we want ? Dark Light or shades of Gray ?

Mischief makers (and along the whole spectrum ) to those performing diabolical actions while presenting an outward circus facade …of false smiles and ways of living …please do know we can fool the human; animal and plant worlds —-but know Source cannot be fooled…it simultaneously watches, knows and records all …..and without harsh judgement based in how this Universe is set up ….our own wicked or meritorious actions dictate our fate.

No judgemental God is out there folks in my humble view. We are the cause of it all and sooner or later we face and reap what we sow … one gets away with anything.

All Saints, sages, rishis, yogis, psychics, true gurus, Avatars, advanced lightworkers, soothsayers, way showers —-all know these hidden Truths.

Sooner or later Evil catches up with us to shake us up to decide whether to stay Dark go into Light and even ultimately go beyond both …That is the play of Universal Consciousness -the play of Light Dark and Gray. Chiti Shakti Vilas we call it in Sanskrit

Happy New Year Week !

The Heart’s Escape